More and more readers are replacing their hardcover paper books for the digital version, the eBook. This makes the reader’s life so much easier, because not only can they find their desired book more effortlessly, but also buy it and receive it immediately, not to say that it’s even a cheaper version.
Many authors also look out for the modern versions and the most popular ones at the moment, because following the market is always a good way to know what the reader wants and needs. It’s also an excellent option for the author because it saves a good amount of money in printing and shipping costs. When going for the eBook, you can still sell a paper version, and it’s better to have both, as you never know when someone wants to offer your book to someone, or if he prefers having it in their hands. This trend is not going away any time soon, so there’s no better time to take your story out of the drawer and show it to the world. If you are ready to share your masterpiece, then consider following some of these tips to make sure your ebook is a hit!
Prepare Your Book
The first thing you have to do is to turn all your drafts into your book, as the incredible popularity of the eBook might just be the boost you need to take the leap to success. Plus, this can be the best channel to show your piece to the public, get immediate feedback, and evolve as a writer. Now, going for an eBook can also be a huge risk, so make sure you are putting all your passion and soul into it, as it will not only help you with the public, but also ease the process for you. Remember that when we do something we love, it’s always easier.
Self-publishing Your eBook
The best way to publish your eBook is by self-publishing it, through specific platforms. It benefits not only the author but the reader too. Besides that, the quick process can make your work ready to be read in around 24h. Adding to this, there are lower risks in comparison to a classic publisher, since the investment is much lower.
Self-publishing has a little cost, mostly for the cover and editing, but that just means the profit will be bigger, with higher quality. There are plenty of platforms ready to help you with your story, and one of the most popular ones is Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing. This platform has around 80% of eBooks’ sales across English-language countries, and it’s the most trustworthy among writers. Amazon KDP has a specific service called KDP select, where, for 90 days, your Book will be included in Kindle Unlimited – a subscription service for members of amazon prime, that can borrow your book for free, however, you will still receive royalties for every borrowed book. For anyone starting this journey, it’s definitely the best way to get your name out.
The process is quite simple – first things first, you need to create an account on the website and put your tax information, author name, and payment. Then, the important information to the public, which is a description of your book, title, and author’s name. With this, your account is set and ready to launch your story. The next step is to set your completed story into the right formatted file and send it. Also, make sure to create your book cover as captive as you can, as this is the first thing the reader will see. At last, the final step is to input the price and your book rights. A simple process ready to help you conquer the literary world.
Things to Be Careful About
When you decide to make your book public, be careful about those small details that can define the success or failure of your work. One of the biggest examples of this is the price! eBooks are chosen mainly for being cheaper than paper books, so if you are a new author with no recognition, don’t oversell your product. Trust me, a cheaper price will call out for attention and this might be the first step to later have better profit. Another tip is to put more effort into marketing, as this will be helpful for you since there are many channels free for you to promote it, either social media, blogs, or even through friends. Sometimes these small promotions can have a great effect on your book, and with the internet, you’re capable of reaching many people. You have all the tools to turn it into a success.
Final Words
eBooks were a game-changer in the literary industry, and for a new writer it can be a great channel to start a career. If you were looking for an opportunity to finally risk it, then this is for you, and by following these steps, if your work has passion and quality in it, there’s no way your book won’t succeed. Finally, people will be ready to read your story, so good luck with your next masterpiece!